
Tuesday 6 October 2015

PHOTOS - Munachi Abii Shows Off Her First Portrait And It's Her Mum!

Ex-beauty queen and rapper just showed off her amazing first painting and it’s a portrait of her mum. She did it to mark her mum’s birthday. We never even knew she could paint!
Munachi paint1
Here’s what she wrote along the picture,
So last night, I didn’t sleep a wink. I decided to paint a portrait of my mum.  it’s a picture of her graduation from Montreal university & it was the first thing I always looked at in the morning before they chase me around the house to take a shower and head to school ( didn’t like school much back then) even tho it’s a few days late, I wanted to give her something personal and private for her birthday ☺️ so I stayed up all night painting. Painting is always better when you paint with love and ps , would you believe this is my first portrait ever?  DNA tins . I love you mummy ☺️ happy birthday (even though you ain’t on Instagram
See Munachi in the act below:
Munachi paint

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