Saturday 24 December 2016

The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry is 14 years today

Let's Celebrate..........
14 years of unstoppable revival.
14 years of charismatic eloquence.
14 years of acrobatic & locust inversion evangelism.
14 years of UNSTAGGERED COMMITMENT to the Call and Vision.
14 years of COLOURFUL STRATEGICAL EVANGELISM APRON on Rampage all over the World.
14 years of UNQUANTIFIABLE SIGNS and WONDERS all over the World.
14 years of RECORD BREAKING CHURCH, as the FASTEST GROWING in this 21 century.

14 years of GREATEST EXPLOIT of a Church with a decade space of time.
14 years of putting SMILE, JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY to humanity.
14 years of UNHINDERED CHURCH PLANTING all over the World.
14 years of RECORD BREAKING REVIVAL CHURCH in the History of Churches.
14 years of GRASS ROOT REVIVAL all over the world.

It all started this day in 2002 at Ilasamaja area of Lagos. This 'godly seed' The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministry was planted through the leading of the Holy Spirit and like a wild fire, it started spreading, worshippers throng in their millions because 'God's finger' was evident in the ministry. Myriads of signs and wonders were recorded to the glory of God. Because of God's matchless Grace upon us, men crept in and started saying a lot of things - some gave us space of time to fold up - between 3 months to 6 months. To their uttermost disappointment, God multiplied us the more just like what is recorded in the book of Exodus when the Egyptians maltreated the children of Israelites, the more the 'taskmasters' afflicts them, the more they increase.

From that little place at Ilasamaja, the ONLY GOOD GOD, PRECIOUS DADDY  took us to our 'Cannan Land' and increased us beyond measures. God's wonders replicated than the earlier stage - many impotent folks were let loosed, HIV cases in their thousands were healed, hunch backs disappeared, barren wombs conceived, women without wombs are now mothers of children, a woman born without gender received divine recreation by God, today she's a proud mother, deaf and dumb in their thousands got their healings and now hears and speaks with perfection, blindness of many years received divine touch, only declaring I AM A CHOSEN (3 times) armed bandits surrendered their gun and took to their heels, many who were not qualified in various job hunts were selected, angels appeared to many and asked them to rewrite the exams they failed and after which admission was granted to them, to mention but a few.

The armour bearer of this great ministry in the person of our wonderful father in the Lord, Daddy Lazarus Muoka has tirelessly fought to keep the THREE FOLD VISIONS and TEN BILLION SOUL'S MANDATE alive through God's matchless grace upon him. Our amiable mummy in the Lord, Mummy Joy Muoka has contributed immensely too to the growth of the Church as well as the wonderful seeds God blessed them with. May the good Lord preserve you sir and your family, increase you the more with all heavenly blessings in Christ Jesus. We pray for more grace to push on.

To God Almighty, the pillar behind The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, we humbly bow before you, we are grateful for all you've done for us. Thank you Lord!
We're using this medium to invite you to our big time program — MOUNTAIN TOP GATHERING, MGBIDI 2017 — January, 6th, 7th and 8th 2017. 

You can follow us on our social media via the links below;
Facebook Fan Page:
Facebook Official Forum:
Twitter: @tlccrmofficial
Youtube: Lord's Chosen Online
You can get our Mummy's books — favoured woman and Building A Happy Home on Google play store.

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