Saturday 9 February 2019

Actress Juliet Ibrahim reveals why most beautiful girls are still single

It is not rare to find a lady who is regarded as beautiful still remaining very much single. Many of them do not quite understand why, despite their pretty looks, they still cannot find a suitable husband. Actress Juliet Ibrahim has taken to her Instagram page to reveal the reason for this.

According to her, beautiful ladies are still single because people, especially the men, do not believe in the first place that they are single. This very witty saying is taken to mean that those who are beautiful often make men feel that they must have been taken already. This feeling prevents the men from reaching out to the females. In making this point known, Juliet took to her Instagram page to write a caption to this effect. But she also shared a photo alongside the inscription. 

The picture was that of a young man whose wrist watch was very obvious. However, the beautiful actress did not reveal the face of this person.. 

See post below... 

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