Tuesday 5 February 2019

The thunder that will fire you is still doing press up - Uche Jombo says in anger

Actress, Uche Jombo, has taken to social media to call out movie sites that upload Nollywood movies without going through due process.

While Nollywood has risen to become one of the most successful movie industries in the world, it still battles with the issue of piracy as some criminal minds illegally make monies off the movie productions of others. Following this, actress, Uche Jombo appears to have had enough of this. She recently took to her Instagram page to address movie sites illegally profiting off Nollywood productions and she spared no words in expressing her disgust and anger. She wrote: "Let's discuss nollywood illegal uploads please which is not just a sin against the film makers but sin against God. Are you kidding me? Do you know what WE go through?Had an interesting chat with some people who uploaded my film DAMAGE illegally on their site, the sense of entitlement to that 'you never make money reach feeling to calling me an imposter on their little WhatsApp group...got me thinking of how we can ALL do better this 2019. 

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